Automated Surveys
Automated surveys can now be conducted by phone using phone survey solutions from Databse Systems Corp. (DSC).
Since 1978, DSC has been a leading software applications developer and has designed computer related technology particularly for the telecommunications industry. Our products range from voice broadcasting and IVR (interactive voice response) software plus phone systems and services.
Both simple to complex phone survey applications can be created using DSC's internally developed phone survey software. Inbound telephone surveys can be processed using our IVR survey application. Outbound phone surveys can likewise be initiated by sending phone survey calls to respondents using voice broadcasting survey technology.
To assist clients in the development of phone surveys, DSC provides a Phone Survey Generator. This program allows users to develop simple surveys in just minutes.
Automated surveys can be programmed using our phone survey software to accept phone keypad responses or can simply record each question response for later transcription and analysis.
Contact DSC to learn more about our complete automated survey technology and outsourced phone survey processing services.
Survey Client - Johns Hopkins University
"The Johns Hopkins University was the first research university in the United States. Founded in 1876, it was an entirely new educational enterprise. Its aim was not only to advance students' knowledge, but also to advance human knowledge generally, through discovery and scholarship." - www.jhu.edu
Researchers at Johns Hopkins University utilize our automated survey program and call center services to manage their telephone surveys of medical research volunteers. Johns Hopkins is collecting behavioral information over an extended period of time for long term health care research.
Automated Survey Hosted Services
The following features are included with our automated survey programs:
- Your Own 800 Number
- Customized Survey Programming
- Simple To Complex Survey Routing
- Call Recording and Retrieval Service
- Professional Voice Prompts
- Outside Phone Transfer Upon Completion
- Database Access and Update
- Unlimited Survey Questions
- Website and Server Data Access
- Text To Speech Converter
- Online Reporting
- Much More....
Automated Survey Features
Our automated phone survey software and phone system can be highly customized to meet your organization's survey requirements. DSC provides an experienced professional staff that can design and program your surveys. If you wish to develop your own surveys, we provide the training and tools to accomplish this. Here are just a few of the features that make our phone survey software stand out from the rest.
- Unlimited Phone Interview Questions & Responses
- Unlimited Phone Menu Branching
- Customized Summary Reports
- Interview Question Time-out Feature
- Text To Speech Data Question Insertion
- Randomized Questioning
- Unlimited Recorded Digit Responses
- Unlimited Recorded Voice Responses
- Transfer Respondent To a Live Interviewer
Call Us Today
Contact DSC to learn more about our automated surveys and development services.